
Face in the Crowd

Face in the Crowd


Face in the Crowd
Text by Kaitlin Booher

‘Face in the Crowd’ was shot on a Los Angeles soundstage in early 2013, where the artist directed hundreds of actors on constructed sets to create portraits of large crowds at airport terminals, lobbies, beaches, movie theaters and other public spaces. For each scene, Prager taps into a shared cultural memory to create images that are familiar yet strange. The characters, clothing, hairstyles and poses are all carefully chosen by the artist to convey a range of time periods from mid-century to present and recall cultural references drawn from street photography and classic Hollywood cinema. The ambiguity of the eras and locations suggest a sense of timelessness while also creating a world that synthesizes fiction and reality. The viewer is removed from the scenes at seemingly impossible vantage points and peer over the crowd of individual characters, each connected by their close proximity, yet simultaneously isolated in their own private worlds.

Hardcover 60 pg book. Published in 2014.

Book dimensions: 13 x 10 inches

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